Here you can find find links to some of my books and articles.
Birds and Humans: who are we?, Pearl of the Wind, The diet and path of an Amazonian Shaman, Oh Kate, Grass, The Hidden Lives of Taxi drivers, War: why does it still exist? The Legacy of Nuclear Power Are all books I have helped edit, produce and publish for the authors with my illustrations, maps, and photos, plus in some cases contributed to new text.. Life's Journey with cartographic meanderings – my autobiography – sort of. Cheating in Majorca! – Birds birds and more birds Society Matters: the newspaper for all Social Sciences students and staff at The Open University. These links are here because I made all the final layouts between 1999 and 2010 with the Editor, Dick Skellington. They are really a huge Social Sciences historical resource, with many articles still vivid and relevant to contemporary society. Now no longer in existence but after a 10 year history and 10 years on from its final outing these are the only surviving links to issues: Nos 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, the last printed issue with Design and layout by Peter Devine. The Digital platform for Society Matters now lies within the Open Learning Platform a the OU. One hundred and one Faculty Montage – 101 images, commisioned by Peggotty the Dean. Three copies made and framed, I have one, she has one and the faculty were left one. In 2021 it was exhibited at Milton Keynes Museum. A Fifty Year Cartographic Journey, 1962-2012, SUC Bulletin 48, 2014. Incorporated now into my book. Desktop Mapping in the United Kingdom, 1987-1991, personal observations with reference to UK higher education, The Cartographic Journal, Vol 28, June 1991. Where to draw the line, first given as a paper, Sept 1992, at the BCS Symposium, Aberdeen. Published in the SUC Bulletin, Vol. 26 No 2. My Weebly, Wix and WordPress websites: |